You Won’t Believe How Much You Can Reduce Your Marketing Spend With This Intelligent Software
Let me break this down for you:
Getting qualified leads or potential customers on the phone is how high-ticket sales are closed. There is a need for that personal touch, and whether you are making the sale or your sales team is making the sale - at the end of the day you need appointments to earn revenue.
Challenge #1:
Connection rates are low when you’re trying to get people on the phone, and follow up manually. Especially when you start getting into hundreds of dials, connection rates can be as low as 2-5%.
That’s a LOT of wasted opportunity!
Challenge #2:
Cost per purchase (not of your tripwire, but the cost to get someone from an advertisement to a phone call where they can be closed) can be hundreds of dollars. This makes all of those wasted leads even more frustrating!
Using AI to make an immediate connection with potential clients via SMS has increased our connection rate 4x - and increased appointments and significantly decreased ad spend.
In this video training, I am going to talk you through: